
Summer 2020

Focus on the brain

Kailei Prevost, age 6, took part in a study of choline supplementation for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Such studies will be housed at the U's new Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain.
Scott Streble

The University is bringing together a team of experts to form the Masonic Institute for the Developing Brain, named in honor of a new $35 million gift from Minnesota Masonic Charities. The focus: prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment of neurodevelopmental disorders in early childhood and adolescence.

The institute will be located at 2025 East River Parkway in Minneapolis. Working together under one roof, University experts will tackle such disorders as autism, ADHD, cognitive delays, drug addiction, and severe depression.

Philanthropic investments from the Lynne and Andrew Redleaf Foundation, the Otto Bremer Trust, the Blythe Brenden-Mann Foundation, and the Drs. Gail A. Bernstein and Thomas J. Davis Trust will help fund renovations and programming.
